Mobile applications of well-known sites and online shops have already overtaken their counterparts for PC in issue of their popularity. They have the strength of comfortable use and fast process of downloading content. In addition, it is such software that helps to establish a strong interaction between the computer and the user and is ideal for devices with different screen sizes. Modern mobile software was designed to meet different needs. This is the reason why you can find creative developments in a huge list of mobile applications.
Most interesting mobile programs
Child care. Special programs help parents to set an optimal schedule of rest for of their baby. They inform users that it is time to feed, change or walk a child. It is even possible to monitor the temperature of mixtures and the degree of filling of diapers on which special transmitters are attached.
Assessment of diet efficiency. With the help of a special device which makes it possible to estimate the content of acetone in exhaled air, this application analyses the amount of ketones in the blood and the effectiveness of the entire diet. Periodically, the program gives advice on how to adjust diet and achieve results.
Hair Coloration. There is an application that allows users to evaluate different shades of hair dyes in real time. Using the technology of augmented reality, simple «fitting» is realized. Through the camera you can see yourself with hair of any colour, with the screen divided into two parts. On one of them, there is an image with an existing shade, and on the other with the intended shade.
Clothing fitting. For a remote fitting of clothing, there is also a technological tool. It was designed for online shops and greatly facilitates the choice of customers. With this application, any item can be worn on a three-dimensional model corresponding to the body proportions of the buyer. Using comprehensive scanning you can create your own avatar. In addition, you can manually enter your personal data as well.
Choice of Pets. There is even this app! And, it helps homeless cats find a host. As in programs designed to meet people of different ages, users can browse through animal profiles and view pictures.
Eye control of mobile gadget. This application allows people with physical disabilities to work with smartphones or tablets immediately. You can activate many useful features of devices with gaze or blinking, and you can enter search queries with voice commands.
The list of ingredients in the dish. The special service can analyse the contents of the dish and inform the person of the composition of the dishes. This program allows people without the help of a waiter to make more choices that are informed and analyse the menu in detail.
Photo travel reservations. This is a rather unusual application that helps users plan their journeys using photographs in a social media feed. For example, users can see an attractive location on the photo, and they can also take a screenshot of the image and immediately purchase air tickets.
Find a place for a party. Even in a strange city, you can find an ideal place to spend your holiday with a special application. Such a program will offer the user different facilities, and it will be based on his or her preferences.
Unread Content. The lack of free time is a long-standing reason why many of us postpone reading articles of interest to them indefinitely. Such material tends to become obsolete and irrelevant over time. A special application of this type sends a letter to the user once a week with links to the information he wanted to read but did not have time to do so.

Software for modern gadgets can be downloaded on various sites. For example, apk download site will offer its visitors many useful and interesting programs. To organise a functional desktop, you can make AweSun download totally free. For video download in MP4 format, there is a Bitchute service.